Circle of Support Registration

Meetings take place from 9:45-11:45 two Thursdays a month on the dates listed. Childcare may be provided for all who wish to participate depending on space. Please select the dates you need childcare and Beth Wilde, director of early childhood will contact you by 5 pm on the Monday before the meeting. Please plan on bringing any items your child may need during your meeting ie; diaper bag with change of clothes, sippie cup, bottle, snack etc.

The nursery main entrance is the building closest to the lake labeled #200. Ring the doorbell to alert our staff you have arrived and walk over to the adjacent building to the door marked, "Parlor" for your meeting. Please contact Beth Wilde with any questions or concerns related to childcare, she can be reached at 850-559-1523
Your information and dates attending:

Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.


Meetings take place from 9:45-11:45 two Thursdays a month on the dates listed. Childcare may be provided for all who wish to participate depending on space. Please select the dates you need childcare and Beth Wilde, director of early childhood will contact you by 5 pm on the Monday before the meeting. Please plan on bringing any items your child may need during your meeting ie; diaper bag with change of clothes, sippie cup, bottle, snack etc.

The nursery main entrance is the building closest to the lake labeled #200. Ring the doorbell to alert our staff you have arrived and walk over to the adjacent building to the door marked, "Parlor" for your meeting. Please contact Beth Wilde with any questions or concerns related to childcare, she can be reached at 850-559-1523